The Deluge Ark(ive) the exhibition.

Thirteen thousand years ago our ancestors were witness to a catastrophic event. The ice began to melt; the oceans began to rise and the land to flood, an environmental apocalypse irrigating the myth-memory of human consciousness. Our blood and our tears have the same salinity as the ocean. It is a reminder of the origin of all life on the planet and a warning that we share our well-being with our vast and indifferent mother.

The Deluge Ark(ive) exhibition presents these Oceanic narratives as a series of sound-sculptures which in turn take their inspiration from a novel written by the artist to explore the deep relationship we share with our marine origins.

The exhibition is accompanied by a performance event, based upon my on-going collaborative relationship with scientists at the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, with musical scores derived from bio-logging data collected by my scientist colleagues at IMAS that document the extraordinary under-ice dives of Southern Elephant Seals in the Antarctic.

Heart rate and breathing data, as well as Oceanograpic measurements is used to produce graphical music scores for the Sisongke Choir to interpret and perform.

The performance showcases a composition for a quartet of 30-note music boxes with a score derived from marine data and audio-visual documentary of the previous jazz interpretations of Antarctic data sets Under the IceCap.

See The Deluge Ark(ive) at SonicObjects.

The Syren.
Primitive power cell for Ark.